Sunday, November 8, 2009

A little hint goes a long way.

Ever been out somewhere and saw a guy you found attractive for whatever reason? Maybe it wasn't looks. It could be his mannerisms the way he walked or treated other people. Anyway, how many times have you seen a fella you wanted to meet yet failed to do so? Many of the women I know talk of how they wish 'he' would come talk to them. No way they would go up to him. On top of that, these gals comment how they make sure he doesn't notice them noticing him. Now what the...! That is so crazy. Must be the way they do things on Venus but it doesn't make much sense. I mean, why would a guy approach a woman who is stone cold and paying him no attention? You see, us men being from Mars and all, can't distinguish the "I'm not interested (for many reasons) so I'm ignoring you so you don't come bother me" behavior'; from the "I'm ignoring you because I'm interested and/or insecure and/or embarrassed etc, but I want you to come talk to me" behavior? It's enough to make us nuts and in fact...IT DOES! Plus, once we get the taste of burning fuel and exploding airplane parts from being 'shot down' a few times, we tend to err toward caution.  The 'Walk of Pain' isn't one of the activities we men savor. 
So, do I have a point here? Yes I do. Since men in all there weakness can't decipher the difference from being ignored due to disinterest or interest I have a suggestion lest I call it a solution. You know men, always wanting to 'solve' the problem. What would it be like if you ladies gave the man of your interest a little, teensy weensy hint that you would be open to an overture from him. Just a simple smile and a little 3 finger wave could change the course of your day and perhaps your life.

I know it is considered the mans job to do the approaching but what about all this women's empowerment stuff? does it preclude showing interest toward a gentleman you find attractive. I mean what can it hurt? It's not like your getting up in front of God and all the world with the risk of crawling back to your chair, shopping cart, bar stool etc, with smoke and flames trailing off your tramp stamp. All you have to do is show a little sign from across the room to give the poor fella an indication that at least he probably won't have to do the aforementioned walk of pain.

Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is...if your interested in a fella, go ahead and send a subtle little signal and leave the rest to him. Believe me, it will make all the difference in the world.

Richardango  ;-)

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